Thursday, August 5, 2010

Yesterday was my birthday.

Lunch with my adorable, hilarious friend John
Matisse exhibit at MOMA

Lemonade & cupcakes in Bryant park
Book of Maira Kalman's work to read on the train
Rolls of colored masking tape from the Japanese superstore
No carpool
Boys at a late playdate.  Hmmm. Came home bearing a freshly-baked birthday cake.
Japanese take out
Flowers and homemade bread from Alex
New flip flops from Sheila
Facebook birthday wishes
Birthday card from mom
Serenades from Grandma & Pop
Gardening books from Mark

I'm a lucky woman.

I'm glad every day is not my birthday though, or I would be really old.

1 comment:

Jane said...

Happy Birthday Jill! Looks like you had a great day!