I had to give up my love affair with bread making. Like some other relationships I've had, it was no good for me. I am now on weight watchers trying to drop a daunting number of pounds. I realized that while everyone in the family loved the home baked bread, I think it did not love me. I just couldn't control myself around the delicious, yeasty goodness of all that bread.
So for now, my six quart rising container sits next to the mixer and the crockpot in the cupboard. The whole wheat flour, the dried milk powder, the mixed harvest grains -- sit bundled in layers of alumunimum foil and freezer bags in the chest freezer. Perhaps I'll bake some loaves and give them away. That sounds nice, while it's still in the forties around here.
Just talking about all this bread makes me crave some. The only bread in the house right now is some feather light weight watchers bread that's not even worth the trouble.
Yeah. I hear you. Plus, spring is here, or near anyway. I've had trouble staying consistent with it, but have certainly learned a LOT.
I learned tons and I loved the process. My bread making is simply on hiatus, but it will be back.
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