Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I thought I deleted Barcelona.

Actually, I deleted Barcelona, Nice and VillaFrache, France.  Somehow I erased a memory card too soon. But, in my post-travel delirium, I made a copy on iphoto.  I have been primarily using Lightroom as my archiving, organizing program, but since iphoto opens every time I put in a memory card ("pick me! pick me!" it fairly shouts) I guess I imported there too.

Sorry for the vacation photos overkill, but I have thousands of photos and I have a few, ahem, new readers.  (Hi Mom! Hi Aunt Debbie!).  And so, more Barcelona.

But quickly, so I remember, a few observations.

* They do sell chocolate milk, but everyone looked at us askance when we asked for it cold.
* Sorry, second trip to Spain, and I'm still not a big fan of the food.  And this is from an anchovy lover.
* Spanish people dress their children beautifully.  Not that nylon/polyester track shorts and t-shirts from Target aren't chic.
* Spanish people were much nicer to us this trip -- it was all about the kids.
*Open air food markets are generally awesome. Better than restaurants.
* Europeans take much longer to eat.  I think my hair grew a bit waiting for the check sometimes.
* Kids don't have a language barrier with other kids.  Jack was in the playground talking to a little girl in English, she spoke to him in Spanish and they were still fast friends.
* I love a city that loves dogs.  I think it's because it reminds me of NYC.
* If you wear a Lands End tankini on a beach in Barcelona, you will feel like you are wearing a bathing suit from the roaring '20s compared to the women of all shapes and sizes somehow looking comfortable in two pieces or less.
* Spanish coffee (espresso) is as good as Italian.  And that is high praise.


Jane said...

Jill, these pictures are awesome! Your boys are clones of mine. Love the straw one. Keep them coming!

Jill said...

Thanks, Jane! Our boys do remind me so much of each other. We are living parallel lives.

More to come...

Kristyn Knits said...

Love every single one Jill! Especially three boys in front of a red door...love!

What a wonderful list of observations! Children always seem to be able to get past differences.