Monday, August 22, 2011

Going to Europe with Kids.

Here's the thing.  You have to remember it's Europe with Kids and not Europe with your husband or your college friend and a backpack.  The agenda changes.  Cut back on the art museums, and think castles, cannons and daggers.  Instead of long espresso break in the cafe, think a few hours at the beach, whether you're prepared for that beach day or not.  More time in souvenir shops pricing out souvenir crap and less time in boutiques with espadrilles.  And you know, in the end, you realize you just saw the city in a different way, and that's part of the journey too.

It reminds me of something Bill Mahrer once said -- "Kids.  I don't want kids.  What?  Do you want to learn your colors again?"

Yes, Bill. I do.


deborah rogers said...

jill, your mama sent me this link...i'm jealous and happy for you too....that's the correct thing to say, yes...okay, mostly jealous. beautiful photos. of course you need to stay in europe for a few years. with room for your dearest, if not almost lost, aunt debbie. hello to mark. the children are beautiful...emily beckons.
love, deb

Jill said...

Hi Aunt Debbie!

Thanks so much for visiting my little corner. I'm dying to see more pics of Emily and here how it is all going. I can only imagine the adventure and oh, I love newborns.
Now, get some sleep!

xo Jill