Thursday, August 7, 2008

Red tote for Teach

Red tote for Teach
Originally uploaded by Grey Cottage Studio
Bag #6? I made this one at the end of the school year in a mad frenzy to make gifts for the teachers. One of my neighbors saw this tote and she said, oh that would make a great teacher gift. I laughed and said that I hoped she hadn't given totes (our kids had the same teacher) but she said that this year, she gave aprons. She made Max's teacher an ocean-themed apron for working in the water tank at school (very Miss Frizzle.) Ocean-studies are big in second grade.

I think I'll do aprons next year.


Anonymous said...

aprons .. that's where I'm starting the use of my new (and intimidating for some reason) huqvarna viking. Can one have too many aprons? i think not.

prettywithribbons said...

ooooh - I love this! Great color combo..